Technical presentation at Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2019

As OIL DYNAMICS currently works on several geothermal projects in Bavaria we have been invited to give a presentation at the „Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2019“ in Munich, Germany. Adam Waniek, Sales Manager Europe, and Andy Limanowka, Engineering and Product Development at Oil Dynamics GmbH, accepted the invitation and contributed to the event on October 7th with the subject “Evaluation of ESP-Design for 140°C and 150 l/sec”. The topic was requested by the organizer as it represents the typical well conditions and production requirements around Munich.

“In order to meet their business cases the stockholders must produce a certain amount of energy” explained Waniek. This would be specified by the volume produced at a specific well temperature, he continued. In the Bavarian Molasse Basin around Munich the technical requirements on geothermal pumps rise towards the south as the aquifer submerges deeper and the well fluid temperature increases. There the geothermal pumps must be more powerful in order to lift the fluid from greater depths and more resistant to high temperatures both combined. The flow of 150 l/s of 140°C hot geothermal water represents typical customer requirements.”

Adam Waniek and Andy Limanowka were very satisfied about the organization of this year’s Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern“ and with the excellent level of professional participants. “The congress is not the biggest however very focused and takes place since many years,” said Waniek. “It concentrates and distributes knowledge and experience and enhances the European geothermal network.”