Middle East installation by OIL DYNAMICS team

A team of OIL DYNAMICS recently finished a substantial water installation in a wide mountainous area in the Eastern Mediterranean. The German company supplied a turn-key electric submersible pumping system (ESPS) including the electrical variable speed drive, control system, wellhead and production tubing. The ESPS is producing water from more than 1500 meter below the ground. The pump itself was installed at 800 m below the wellhead. The deep groundwater is used for agricultural irrigation of the neighboring fruits plantations, especially apple and cherry trees. Oil Dynamics supported the customer in an urgent need to produce substantial volume of irrigation water for the area. The complete installation of the ESPS took six days from start to production of the first irrigation water.


The new ESPS solved the deficit of low water availability in the region. Before the installation of the ESPS, the water was pumped from a reservoir dozens of kilometers away in order to irrigate the fruits plantations. The water is now produced with a lower specific cost per cubic meter. Further to this, the produced deep-ground water has a temperature of almost 60°C. The end customer is already thinking of ways how to use the thermal energy for future heating of greenhouses during the winter season.


The ESPS is producing more than 150m3/h at a total dynamic head of more than 800 m. The rotating components of the equipment needed special attention during the design process. Highly specialized materials were required to cope with the limited well casing diameter and the demanding production water properties.


OIL DYNAMICS supplied the electric submersible pump (ESP) with all its accessories such as a downhole, metal armored cable, down-hole data sensors, production tubing, wellhead and installation tools along with installation and commissioning of the ESPS. Further on the company provided the electrical system consisting of an ESP smartDrive® (a variable frequency drive system including sine wave filter and necessary operating and process control), a transformer and associated surface cabling. The electrical components were built to fit the customer needs and the existing control room, the design and engineering was done in cooperation with the customer. An extensive training class was provided to enable the operators to run and maintain the ESPS.