As good as it gets HPS systems

Crude oil transfer at its best, highly reliable booster pumping in pipelines, optimum reservoir pressure maintenance, best-in-class LNG transfer: you name it. Our HPS systems are as good as it gets. They come with a legendary service to rely on.

HPS pumps from Oil Dynamics are premium solutions that elevate your productivity to new horizons. As a result of the modular design, our HPS systems are not only more reliable in their day-to-day performance but also excel with shorter delivery times than any comparable API pumping system. With the HPS from Oil Dynamics you acquire the technology of the future today!

The secret of your success

The HPS system from Oil Dynamics has been optimized to handle relatively high flow rates and high head applications under severe operating conditions. Reliability and quality have been the primary focus of our engineering effort. As a result of the modular, standard component based design, our HPS systems are not only more reliable in their day- to-day performance but also excel with shorter delivery times than any comparable API pumping system. With the HPS from Oil Dynamics you acquire the technology of the future today!

Born to increase your uptime and to reduce your operating costs

The HPS idea was born about 30 years ago. In comparison to traditional API-610 horizontal split case multistage pumps as well as progressive cavity and positive displacement pumps the HPS horizontal surface pumping systems offer lower maintenance costs and longer runtime. Short delivery times enable you to react faster and reduce downtime when scaling up or down as your requirements change. Regardless of the application – upstream, midstream or industrial – HPS help you to reduce fluid transfer costs and protect the environment with a reduced number of mechanical seals.

Short and simple

The simple yet ingenious construction ensures short delivery times: HPS combines a proven multistage centrifugal pump, a horizontal thrust chamber, an efficient driver and suitable instrumentation into a single rugged skid. The system`s simplicity also speeds up manufacturing time: After you place an order, you`ll receive your HPS significantly faster than other systems.

HPS is the pump generation that provides more

More robustness: The rugged design is especially suited for harsh environments. It works with hot fluids and ambient temperatures up to +60°C.
More profit: The building-block design allows a much earlier production start than with any other comparable system.
More flexibility: It is possible to scale your HPS up or down depending on your operational requirements. An easy upgrade and replacement with off-the-shelf components is possible.
More availability and reliability: You can reduce your downtime and maintenance costs significantly. For more flexibility, it is possible to combine multiple HPS systems if you need additional flow.

Environmentally sensitive fluid transfer solution

The efficient HPS design allows quiet and environmentally friendly operations. It also reduces the number of mechanical seals by half. This makes it easier for you to specify an HPS for locations where emissions and noise may be a problem.

Your key advantages

  • Shorter delivery times: about 16–24 weeks instead of up to 70 weeks
  • Highly reliable and tough solution: simple, technically mature and resilient
  • Minimized initial cost: design based on standard system components
  • Minimized operational cost: less wear parts, shorter repair times
  • Maximized investment: hugh operational savings because of early production start and less downtime

Oil-producing is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We know that. This is why we make our ESP systems a little bit better than the rest. >>

Maximize your margins: With our profitable, reliable and convenient twin screw, triple screw and multiphase pumping systems. >>

The unique smart drive system for more efficiency under the most demanding operating conditions. >>

The choice of the right accessory will make sure that your system will be fully harmonized and trouble-free. >>

Professional Field Service makes the difference. Before, during and after the fact.>>



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